Orientation and setup

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

This software uses an Open Source Initiative approved license.
Open Source Initiative

What is Sprout?

Sprout is a web application framework, different than the dozens that already exist.
Similar to Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Django, and others - it facilitates rapid development of a web application.

  • Provides default configurations
  • Uses conventions and standards to develop and debug faster

Similar to WordPress.

  • You can use the Sprout Server Docker image as a “no code” solution
  • Custom css or third party plugins/modules can be added without recompiling the server.

Similar to other headless CMS.

  • It’s ‘head optional’.
    The provided UI is a stand-alone ReactJS application, but there’s no requirement to use it.

Sprout is different than other frameworks -

  • You can use it as an application dependency
    Adding Sprout Starter to your Spring project allows customization, replacing default components, extend provided functionality, or turn off capabilities.
  • Non-Intrusive
    Sprout can be replaced or removed with less effort than other frameworks due to abstractions.
    You can use Sprout to standup a project, then replace implementations until it is no longer required.

Why not code generation?

Code generation has applicable use cases, but applications built on generated code can be difficult to update especially with customizations.
With Sprout as a dependency, customizations and modules are abstracted from the core application code, so you can update it like any other application dependency.

Use Cases

The Sprout Platform provides an extensible and modular application platform, so it’s suitable for custom CMS, line-of-business, application portals, or other types of apps.
The modular design allows closed-source customizations to be applied for each unique case.

The development is currently sponsored by a rapidly growing restaurant franchise, using it as a “Enterprise Portal”, where they can bring together disparate systems.
It’s also being used as a line-of-business application to manage entities and data attributes, such as franchise location information, QA, and BI administration.

Please contact support@savantly.net if you are interested more in this use case.

Quick Start

Use the docker images to start an example server + web app.
Docker Compose File

docker-compose up

The example server creates a user -
username: admin
password: changeme!


Live Server Demo

  • username: admin
  • password: changeme!


Live Client Demo

  • username: admin
  • password: changeme!



Default Home Dashboard

Sprout Web App

Editing a Dashboard Panel

Sprout Web App

get started, setup, orientation, quickstart, intro, concepts, containers, sprout